Sunday, September 27, 2009

Streaks de Deuces

I have made up my mind; I am going to begin a challenge called "Streaks de Deuces". You may say, "I've never heard of such a challenge." Most likely, you haven't heard of such a challenge because I just thought of it recently. If you have heard of such a challenge; then, some person out there has similar mind to my own. This would be kind of weird, but who knows?

Basically, I decided I am going to try to complete 22 streaks in the next year of time. The start date was close to a month ago, and I am just starting today. So, I have some ground to make up. Even if I started on time, I would have had to run some streaks concurrently to complete the challenge.

Regardless, I have belief that I possess the discipline and determination to complete this. My first streak has begun, and I am going to perform 222 push-ups a day for the next 22 days. That is the only real rule for this streak. Today, I completed the set amount over a total of 4 sets (77, 70, 50, and 25 push-ups).

Now, the news is out; so, I HAAAAAAVE to complete the challenge or I might let down the very small audience of people that read this blog. I don't know what the rest of the streaks will be. I will think of them on the fly I guess. If you have any ideas, share them in the comments section. Basically, this "Streaks de Deuces" challenge is targeted toward self improvement of some shape or form. As a result, I probably won't do any streaks like that guy that eats Big Mac's every day. Once again, please feel free to comment.

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